therapy after

Liebscher & Bracht

Private doctor's office

Dr. med. Wolfgang Heil

in Frankfurt

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Who is behind Liebscher & Bracht?

These are Roland Liebscher-Bracht and Dr. med. Petra Bracht. Together, over 30 years of research, they have discovered that most pain is caused by excessive tension in the muscles and fascia! In this case, the pain warns of damage that can result from these incorrect tensions.

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This has resulted in a completely new view of the origins and elimination of most pain, which can enable even pain patients who have not been treated to live a symptom-free life. If the cause of the incorrect tension is eliminated, the pain usually disappears.

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How does pain arise according to Liebscher & Bracht?

Our body's movement system naturally gives us the opportunity to use 100 percent of our joint angles. However, most people only use around 10 percent of it in their everyday lives! This is primarily due to the fact that modern living and working environments are heavily characterized by sedentary or one-sidedly stressful, routine activities.

These minimalist, recurring movement patterns manifest themselves in our brain: brain programs store the frequently used movement sequences and, by controlling the muscles, ensure that they can be implemented quickly and precisely in everyday life. The tensions for the muscles are also specified here in order to be able to carry out the movement patterns.

A healthy person has 656 muscles that are covered by fascia - the soft tissue components of connective tissue. Every time a joint is stretched or flexed, parts of the muscles and surrounding fascia contract (agonist), while others give way and are stretched (antagonist). But if we only utilize around 10 percent of our body's range of motion, our muscles and fascia are no longer regularly stretched to their full extent and become more and more unyielding over time. In a figurative sense, they “rust”.

For example, when sitting, the muscles and fascia in the front of the body are not stretched because the legs are bent. If we take this position very often, these muscles and fascia will gradually adapt to the posture if they are not stretched regularly. They become more and more unyielding and, when we stand up after sitting, can no longer accommodate the necessary stretching to the required extent.

Liebscher & Bracht speaks of a “shortening” of the muscles and fascia. In this example, the muscular-fascial shortening in the front area of the body creates a corresponding pulling force forward because the necessary stretching cannot be carried out. In order to be able to stand up straight, the body tries to compensate for the forward pulling force through the muscles and fascia in the back area: it builds up a counter-tension that goes beyond the normal level. Now there is a tensile force in both the front and back of the body due to the excessive muscular-fascial tension, which presses the joint surfaces and vertebral bodies together so strongly that wear and tear occurs on the cartilage, intervertebral discs and bones.

There are receptors everywhere in the body tissues that measure tensile and compressive stresses as well as speeds and transmit them to the brain. If the brain uses this information to calculate wear on the joints or spine that is greater than the body's ability to repair itself, the brain switches on pain in the corresponding area of the body to prevent the damaging movement. This makes the affected person aware of the impending osteoarthritis or disc damage - the pain alerts them, so to speak. Liebscher & Bracht therefore refer to this pain as “alarm pain”. So our body alerts us not to carry on as before in order to stop the wear and tear on the structure. The most important finding: Pain usually exists independently of the damage and can therefore be “stopped” despite the damage.

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Most pain can often be eliminated quickly

Over 90 percent of the most common pain is so-called alarm pain - and it can be treated. From our point of view, this pain performs a useful and important task in our body: it tells us that we are damaging it. Pain is therefore a warning intended as a deterrent. They often act as a preventive alarm to prevent damage or wear.

Liebscher & Bracht pain therapy is a novel and independent method for treating pain. In addition to osteopressure (a manual therapy technique), it contains specially developed stretching exercises (so-called bottleneck stretches) so that patients can remain permanently pain-free. Because only those who know the connections in the body well are able to permanently eliminate the cause of the pain naturally - without medication or surgery.

“The therapy according to Liebscher & Bracht is an alternative treatment method that is not part of the catalog of services provided by statutory health insurance. The effectiveness of the therapy has not yet been sufficiently scientifically proven in conventional medicine. The statements regarding the therapeutic effectiveness of the therapy are based on previous experience in the use of the therapy. The information about the therapy in no way replaces personal advice, examination or diagnosis by a licensed doctor. Since every person is different and in medicine the success of a therapy cannot naturally be guaranteed, patients are provided with comprehensive information in advance of the treatment Time pressure explains the therapy, possible risks and contraindications as well as the costs by the treating doctor. There is no guarantee of success or a promise of cure associated with this. If the content on this homepage has incorrectly given the impression that success is guaranteed, we would like to expressly point out to you that this is not the case.

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